
· somewhere between an extravert and a homebody ·

January 17, 2018 Comments Off on Kindtrovert

I’ve always considered myself to be an extrovert.

This partially stems from the fact that I was classified as an ‘ENFP’ by some personality test my roommate convinced me to take a few years ago.

ENFP stands for Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving.

More notable people who fall under this category of being a ‘people’s person’ are Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Bill Cosby and Mark Twain.

No offense to myself, but at first glance I didn’t see too much of an equivalence between me, the comical Ms. Congeniality star, two widely known male figures in the world of TV and one of the most influential novelists (arguably) of all time.

Digging a little deeper into what an ENFP is made me realize we all had a desire to create and to burst all of our positive energy out onto anyone who crosses our paths. We all have strong values that we are on a mission to share with the world.

As according to my handy friend, the Internet, “ENFPs are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom.”

Bingo. Thank you Google for helping me finally somewhat understand myself.


But then I think about the 3 consecutive days I spent sleeping for 13+ hours and then following said sleeps by spending the remainder of those three days painting, reading snippets of the countless books I am trying to finish, and submerging into the world of Carrie Bradshaw and her three gal pals in Sex and the City (aka watching one whole season in two days).

I may only slightly be exaggerating when I say those were the most glorious 72 hours of my life. No communication with the outside world. No leaving the comfort that can be found within the four walls of my apartment. It was just me, my guinea pig, and bottomless bowls of chips and salsa.



It’s days like these that make me strongly question if I truly fit into the category of being an extravert.

Am I living up to the standards of being a ‘people’s person’ if I find so much joy in catching up on sleep and overdosing on alone time?


Yes and no.

Then I stumbled upon an article where a woman defined herself as a kindtrovert.

She was having the same identity issues as myself, so she dug deeper into the matter.

A kindtrovert is someone who takes the initiative to approach people, then follows up with maintaining said relationship as he/she thrives in the area of growing relationships. A kindtrovert loves being around people they have ties to.


They are people pleasers who feel the happiest when doing things for others. Kindness is key.

She continued on to say that a kindtrovert also has days where no effort is the best effort. Talking seems overrated and staying home is a safe haven. These times are “recharge days” or “self-acknowledgement days”.


After reading this column I didn’t feel as questioning of my extrovert status or what kind of person I am. I was more at ease knowing there are others out there.. or at least one other person who loves being in community with others and dancing in public just as much as she loves spending a handful of days in solitude. And maybe my ENFP match, Sandra Bullock, is a kindtrovert too.